Tuesday, March 20, 2012


As I have said before, I do not blog often. I don't even like the word BLOG, it's a stoopid word. Who thought "Yeah, that'll be a great word to describe journaling" (it already had a word 'journaling' - look it up!)
Ok, deep breath, started getting ranty. Better now ;o)
Well here I am again, and will inevitably say nothing with as many words as possible ;o)
I had an accident at my local gym. Totally my fault, I went all Bruce Lee on a punching/kicking bag and now I am in a half plaster cast for a week. Bloody annoying and itchy. I had hoped this would make it easier to sit at my crafting desk and make stuff, why-o-why did I move stuff away from my desk. I keep having to ask my husband 'can you grab that over there?' or 'see that green thingy next to the pink thingy? Can you grab it for me please?' I can see how my incessant asking is going to grow tiresome. For all of us. But my 6 year daughter is pitching in. She comforts me when I get a pain and she gets my toothbrush ready at night. She is my angel.
I am not totally bored yet...getting about on crutches (for the 6th time) is not as easy as it used to be. My arms and back ache from the pressure of swinging about the house, and the cat seems to think mid swing is a great time to smooch my leg, silly cat (boot - screech)
I am now having to amuse myself with reading, some craft and TV.
Ah TV, you make us cry, you make us laugh you make us feel, and you relieve the much anticipated boredom you were expecting to feel while plastered up for a week!
I have my staples (The Big Bang Theory, Friends, Buffy, Charmed) and my newbies (Revenge, Cartoon domination, Pan Am, That 70's show {yeah, it's old but I have missed many episodes and it's funny} Dr Who, and many other SciFi shows) Don't get me wrong I am not just watching a whole bunch of TV, I always have something on in the background to keep me company, and if I happen to glance at it and chuckle, I'm happy :o)
I think my mind has wandered off and is now hoping to watch some of that mindless TV (Wow! advertising really does work ;o)
When I started this blog it was going to be about craft...I'll get back to the craft but till then you'll just have to out up with pointless musings from me....from time to time ;o)